For Those Who Wear The Brand
Global Aid Projects

About The Global Aid Projects

These micro-humanitarian projects are designed to help make the world a better place by helping one person at a time.

By using local contacts (like doctors, nurses etc.) we are able to identify a specific need in a geographic area and then work to provide the resources necessary to help.

Our intention is to give back, meet a need and brighten someone's day.

Even if these projects only make a tiny difference, we feel that small actions like this have the potential to create positive change.

These projects are funded by some of the proceeds generated through &

Because of this, we see the people buying our products not as mere "customers," but as partners ~ people who are actively enabling and supporting us in this project.

They are people who hold the same values that we do, and enjoy being a part of helping to make the world a better place.

And while this isn't a brand for the masses, for those who wear the brand it's a gathering together of those who have the same vision.

You can join us by visiting, or by giving to the cause by becoming a monthly donor here.

© 2025