For Those Who Wear The Brand
Global Aid Projects

Illuminating Hope: The Csaba Family

Project Location


Nógrád County


Project Coordinator

Hira I.


In the quaint Hungarian town of Szécsény, nestled amidst the rolling hills of the northern countryside, resides the Csaba family. Meet János Csaba, a dedicated electrician who tirelessly works to provide for his family of six.

János shared, "Living in Szécsény is beautiful but also tough. Our town is small and resources are limited. As an electrician, I work long hours to ensure we have enough to get by, but it's always a challenge. The winters are harsh, and heating costs are high, which adds to our worries."

With his steady hands and unwavering determination, János illuminates the lives of those around him, both figuratively and literally. However, life's trials often cast shadows, and the Csaba family was no stranger to them.

His wife, Anna, is the pillar of strength behind their four children: the cheerful István, the curious Zsuzsanna, the lively Árpád, and the youngest, little Márton, who bravely battles asthma. Talking about his wife, János shared, "We cope by staying strong together. Anna is incredible; she keeps us going with her positivity and hard work. We also rely on our community; neighbors help each other out in times of need."

Despite their tight-knit bond, the Csabas faced a period of uncertainty when János fell ill unexpectedly, leaving him unable to work for weeks. With no steady income, the family found themselves grappling with the weight of financial strain, unsure of how to make ends meet. It was during this challenging time that we managed to help them. János shared his views about the issue and said,"One of the biggest struggles we face is unemployment. Many people in our community don't have steady jobs, and when someone falls ill, like I did, it can be devastating. We also have limited access to quality healthcare”. They have to travel to Budapest for specialized healthcare services. Talking about a particularly difficult moment, János recalled, "When I fell ill, we had no income for weeks. I was worried not just about my health but about how we would survive. The stress was overwhelming, and seeing the worry in Anna's eyes was heartbreaking."

When talking about the struggles with healthcare, János shared that because healthcare is covered by the state it's not a direct issue of money but the clinics are far and he has to take time off work and that indirectly negatively affects the household financial situation.

We managed to help the Csaba family, helping them with groceries for 2 weeks, easing their current month's financial strains. which consisted of essentials like bread, milk, vegetables, rice, and cooking oil. This assistance alleviated their immediate financial burden and ensured they had nutritious meals during a critical time. Specifically, this help will allow the Csaba family to focus on recovery and well-being without the stress of food insecurity. We are so glad to have found the Csaba family during this time and helped them a little. Our help with family groceries, though temporary, offered significant relief and highlighted the importance of community support in times of crisis. It underscored the difference even small acts of kindness can make in improving lives and fostering hope for the future.

Talking about community struggles, János explained, "One of the biggest struggles we face is unemployment. Many people in our community don't have steady jobs, and when someone falls ill, like I did, it can be devastating. We also have limited access to quality healthcare and clean water."

The family was delighted to receive the help offered and were all smiles receiving the groceries. For two weeks, the burden of putting food on the table was lifted, allowing the Csabas to focus on what truly mattered: each other.

When we asked János about his dreams, despite the challenges, János remained hopeful. He told us, "my dream is for my children to have a better life, with more opportunities. I hope István, Zsuzsanna, Árpád, and Márton can pursue their education and dreams without the struggles we face."

This project was funded by proceeds generated through & ForThoseWhoWearTheBrand,
as well as by donations made directly to this project.

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